That defining moment.

 It wasn't a coincidence that my stomach rumbled as I walked past the Ewa-agoyin stand that was on my street. Sadly, I had used my feeding money for today and tomorrow to go for the interview, and a broke person shouldn't have cravings.

I knew I wouldn't get the job when the interviewer looked at me to say they'll get back to me, distractedly as she gestured for the next person to come in. Dusting the file in my hand, I took my cue to leave and started trekking home.

The past weeks of futile job searching reminded me of why I chose freelance photography after graduation. Unfortunately, getting gigs isn't so easy and I have to fend for my aging mother. I can't allow Maami to starve because of my coconut head that refuses to work a 9-5. That's why I dumped my camera and dusted my resumé.

“Where are you, Amina?”

A text from my friend, Bisi interrupted my train of thought but I ignored her message, not in the mood.

“Alfred Michaela is in that supermarket oo, opposite that ewa agoyin side.”

This new text was something I couldn't ignore. The first Nigerian to win the Grand Gala of Photography contest was in my neighborhood?! What are the odds?

I know Bisi must be pulling my legs so I continued walking, deciding not to give her the satisfaction.

However, upon rethinking, I decided to cross the road and go to confirm myself. What is there to lose?


As my luck will have it, Bisi was right, because I saw the famous Alfred in the supermarket's parking lot loading his groceries into his car.

I raced towards him, out of breath as “My name is Amina and photography means the world to me” tumbled out of my mouth.

He stopped to smile at me, "You sound very passionate Amina.

Right there in that parking lot, with my tummy rumbling, I knew it was the defining moment of my life, the day I captured the world.

This story is completely fictional and it’s also my entry for GeePay’s writing contest.

Fingers crossed.
