Beautiful, Inside And Out


“ I am beautiful in every single way. Yes, words can't bring me down...... So don't you bring me down today....”

Yes, yes yes I have had Christina Aguilera's words stuck in my head all day. 

Thank goodness for that. I might have just succumbed to the hurt from the hate comments I read a few seconds ago.

Beauty, bi-syllabic, deeper than the double syllables.

How come someone's words of ignorance, van destroy your self-esteem so badly that you don't want to look in the mirror. 

Of course, you're beautiful, and so is your piece of writing. When a writer picks up a pen to write, it's an art. Remember: It says you are beautiful in EVERY SINGLE WAY. It means the curves you have are beautiful, the curves you don't have are also beautiful. 

Your carbs are pretty and so are your stretch marks. That curly short hair is beautiful, the long wavy hair is beautiful, a low cut is beautiful. You are beautiful even though you are 5 ft tall. Don't you think I would forget your skin color? That is the most beautiful thing. Pale, glowing, or tanned it's attractive. Honestly, I haven't used the word beautiful as much as I am doing right now. 

I speak so passionately because it hurts me to see people discredit themselves. A lot of people with disorders are bullied and discriminated against. They have no voice. Well, this is my voice speaking for everybody today when I say “ I don't care what you look like. I know you are beautiful and that is never going to change.”. Should I yell those words in your face every single day for it to sink in? So what if you are not as pretty as the drop-dead model on your screen or the sexy actor? 

A low self-esteem and an inferiority complex are pretty normal. When you see someone better looking than you are we tend to question our looks. It's worse when the circumstances are not exactly favorable. 

You put yourself down and lift someone else. Think about how undeserving it is that you do that to yourself. Yes, you!

I saw a video on tik tok last year. Sadly, I can't find the link to the video now but the words remain in my head.

“ Listen, there would always be a woman who's more beautiful. But having sex appeal is nothing with an evil soul. They are overlooking good women with the heart of gold and dating women for appearance that they barely know. There are girls thinking beauty means perfection and the media promotes it so we're judging our reflection. That's deception for a profit let me teach you a lesson, the inner beauty matters more, and recognizing it is a blessing. Stop stressing, who cares if you're smiling straight, learnt to laugh at the imperfections that they taught you to hate. You look nothing like the models on your Instagram page because we are born to be DIFFERENT and you were made to be great!”

The first time I watched the video, I wanted to cry. I felt so stupid for not seeing myself as beautiful enough. I owe so much to the person who said those words for me to be able to watch and learn. 

Ps: I am not talking to the females only. This applies to both genders. Your sheepish grin is incredibly cute.

Never question your worth, be kind and not afraid to raise your voice to be heard!

Anybody who judges you because of your looks is shallow. Read that sentence again. 

Any time you beat yourself up because of the words of a bully, keep it in mind that you let that person get away with hurting you. Think about the number of people who might be a victim and may not be able to be strong enough. Speak up for yourself and others! Thank you.

* Drops mic *

And oh, kindly check out my other stories and hit the like button.

* Now, I can make a dramatic exit. *


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