
 The longest trip I ever took was one of its kind. 

The memories, challenges, and experiences have now been impaired in my mind. 

As I sojourned, I held on to the promise that there was light on the other side. 

But how was I to get there without help or a guide? 

For the longer the journey, the darker it became. 

With each step ahead, the result was the same. 

I surveyed, and surveyed but alas, it appeared that the light had gone into hiding. 

However, it was their promises that kept me from stopping. 

“You will find it, just keep going”, They said.

Grasping into their words, like it was all I owned, I believed. 

It was this that gave me warmth each night when the cold descended.

Meanwhile while on some days, I wondered if what they promised had vanished. 

Minutes into hours, into days, into weeks, into months, and then years. 

And just when I thought I had finally lost to the darkness..... 

Someday when I looked up... 


There it was! 

An outstretched hand at the end of the tunnel. 
