A “A superpower I'd like to have...”

 Sometimes, you hear people speak of telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, invisibility, and super strength. The first thing popping into the mind is how cool all those things would be.

I mean, wouldn't it just be cool to walk through people and they can't see you? That way you can get to do whatever it is you, please. Perhaps, it would be cooler to teleport and save yourself time and money when using transportation. Don't forget super speed and fast reflexes. It would take you less time to get things done than an average human. 

With telepathy, you can read the minds of everybody. I bet you would never get cheated or hurt when you can already tell what they are thinking. Then telekinesis would save you the hassle of getting up to pick up the remote whenever you need to change the channel. From the comfort of your couch, you can bring things closer to you. 

Hear me out..... 

But, have you ever considered the ability to spread happiness? Like a force of attraction, consciously that pops the concept of joy into the minds of others. 

Might be pretty plain, but as I said, hear me out.

The whole concept of superpowers was to use them for the greater good. There's one thing all super villains have in common, and that is the fact that they use their powers to hurt rather than save. People only called the others heroes because their super abilities were used towards helping mankind.

What use is telepathy is if cannot stop the person from thinking? Or invisibility when you can't be seen during the times that matter? What use is telekinesis if it cannot fetch you happiness right from the comfort of your couch. 

Diseases and illnesses are deadly, sure. Beyond any doubt they are. But, there's a real killer, worse than this and that's mental health issues. It ranges from depression to PTSD and emotional trauma and assault. That's the real killer but sadly there isn't any superpower for that yet.

According to the global World Health Organization {WHO}, over 300 million people worldwide are drowning in depression. It's so common and now considered to be a daily occurrence. According to statistics, 5.0% of adults are suffering from depression.

Recently, depression has become more feared than a pandemic, disease, or disorder. It is now the cause of disability. Depression has a psychological and traumatic effect on its victims. Yes, it can be fought and avoidable but how are you supposed to control the things that happen to you? How are you to control your mind's reaction and the burden overlapping?

  Worse still, there are different forms /types of depression. It ranges from major depression, persistent depression, bipolar disorder, unipolar disorder, seasonal affective disorder, post-partum depression, clinical depression, and many more.

  In this century, a villain is no longer that thief who robs the bank. Ever considered depression to be a thief too? It's a robber of joy. Know why it's more deadly? Because it is no respecter of person, age, class, or gender. Regardless of who you are, you are prone to what it wields. It attacks and takes with it all things possible. Daily, we lose people who fought against this villain and lost. That's a new supervillain we should look into. A different face with different antics. It starts from oblivion to denial, rejection, and then exhaustion. A very swift, yet long and stressful process. 

You ask what superpower I would like to have? 

If I was privileged to harness a superpower, then it would be something along these lines. I would call myself the “ Proliferater of bliss.”

When I meet a person, I don't want to know what you're thinking in your mind. Instead, I would be interested in seeing what lurks in your heart. The burdens you are bearing. With a click of my tongue, a twinkle of an eye, and a flick of my wrist to take it away. It wouldn't be that much of a process, and would not involve much physical contact. Rather, a heart-to-heart communication. From my heart to another's.

The joy I spread to a person is the same the person would spread to another, and another, and another until it becomes a globe of positivity. Yes, this might be a bit far-fetched but isn't that why every other superpower is also a fantasy? Imagine a world where are free from the hurt that weighs us down. Simply because you have the power to make someone's heart gleam. 

Now, I bet that's a superpower worth having. 
