The tale of coming of age
The stage of youthfulness is the most eventful part of a person's life. Everybody has a different tale to tell, the good and bad times. Regardless of the things we were told nothing can prepare anyone for what lies ahead.
Is it to sigh, smile or cry?
This is much more than a mother said to her child.
The words they spoke weren't enough actuality
Against the horrid reality, we would face in senility
They said stop tugging to her hem
Face the challenges and overcome them
But do they know that life wields a gun?
When you choose growth then run
The tale is ever so long to tell
Worse than an ambush my land chose to sell
Its rejection, repudiation, hardly ever celebrations
Struggles, hurdles, troubles where's mediation?
And when the resolve reduces..
Battle for verity increases.
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