Secret struggles

          “ Secret struggles”  

I laid back on my bed 

Wondering where it all went wrong,  Where I took the wrong turns,  Ignored the warning, dear signs  Determined to make things right


           The grief

           The pain,

           The hurt, and the shame. 

  Overwhelmed my fragile being  And left me teary eyed like the dew soaked flower

  Basking in the warm rays of the fallen sun

  Indeed things could have been better

 With tearful eyes I meditate,   And decided things have to be better.

      My past emotions gone,

      A raging storm,

    Now replaced with new ones

   Like the warm buds of springs

  An unshakable determination,

     New found courage 

  An endless fountain determination

 Definitely things will get better

 ....... Things will BE better........

         It all paid off, 

 All the sobriety, meditation and determination 

My efforts and hard labour,  Tireless toils and gigantic favors, 

 Countless feathers plucked from my wings 

  And different losses, trying to ignore waton things.

  This grief replaced with a new found hope. 

  Pain and hurt with happiness

  Finally I've found joy, 

The hurt laced with sickening happiness 

My tears now a smile and a bruised face.


The first piece of an artist always has a special place in their heart. Here is the first poem I ever wrote. 
