“ The epoch of lament”

 “ The epoch of lament” 

*The infamous force creeps up from time to time

Offering nothing, not a single dime.

Senses of Sanity and rationality,

Replaced with fears and anxieties.

First, it's resistance and taking a stand, 

Until realization that you're part of the plan

Now, it's another's tale to tell

 It beckons with the ringing of the bell.

Wallowing in the company it brings along, 

The last happy songs shall be sung, 

To let go of the bits and pieces

Yes, the happy and jouful traces.

A new figure is domineering, 

In charge of emotional swerving

Approaches the dangerous holes, with dives

Most often, no room left to strive

Little to do when the deed is done. 

Nostalgia reminding that it's all gone. 

Chuckles, tickles and giggles say their farewell

For a new feared master now dwells.*
