Adventures of Self Grooming

Every writer has their own creative journey. Each adventures differs and so does the experience. If I was asked to talk about my creative journey, it would probably be something like this ;

              “ Adventures of self grooming” 

I checked my DNA results. Turns out, I wasn't related to the legendary Shakespeare nor J. K Rowling. Sadly, I wasn't born with a pen wrapped around my tiny fingers either. It was a transition. From that little child holding a picture book to me racing to the bookstore to check out Jeffery Archer's best-selling.

“ Why?” They asked. “ Pfft, how boring” Another spat.

That wasn't a problem. For it was only a wonder to me. A battle with myself, I wielded the sword. As the commander in chief of my own army. 

My eyes gazed at the words tossed around, enveloped in intensity and wits. Sometimes a smirk, sometimes a smile, and other times tears rolling. 

With a word or two, I was dragged into the world of imagination. The beauty of alphabets messed with my head. But this was a good kind, I succumbed to the life of vocabulary happily. I stopped explaining because it was no longer a bother. 

As the sun shines brightly, the books are stacked up high. As the rain poured down heavily, the library scents of paperback fragrance. As the snow falls, I lock my doors. The blankets and a cup of coffee are enough for me to journey through the land of hallucinations and plots. I learned to be prepared. Sometimes, it's a vigil. To stay up all night for the sake of those pages. My little big mind couldn't phantom how the people that created such a piece of writing existed. They are too extraordinary to be compared to regular beings. 

Over time, it was obvious that I had become a crazy fangirl doting on pieces of art. The same art that was the highlight of my day, turning to weeks and eventually years. 

Now, I imagined how many people didn't know what this happiness was. How can anybody define happiness differently than the one I had. The one which said art is life and beauty. 

It became my job to explain just that. To say the heroes are the artists. And when rejection knocks on the door, I go back to learn the reason I started. 

Once again, I checked my DNA results. Still not related to the bards and authors. Nevertheless, I tell my story to be a bestseller. 
